Want to remove unwanted followers on Twitter without blocking them? Here’s how to do it

Twitter’s micro-blogging site has begun launching a new “soft block” feature that will allow users on the web to remove followers without blocking it.

To Soft Block followers, go to your profile, click Followers, click the three-point menu next to the follower, then click Options “Remove this follower”. The followers you delete will not be notified of change, report the threshold. This is different from blocking someone, which makes them not see your tweet and send a message directly to you (and makes you not do the same with them).

The new Follower Follower feature is more than the button stops following a long distance, a softer way to make the distance between you and others on the micro-blogging platform.

Previously, to ask someone to stop following you without their knowledge, you can do a “soft block”, that is when you manually block and unblock someone.

Followers you delete then I have to follow you to see your tweet on their timeline and if you have protected tweets (aka personal tweets, can only be seen by your followers), they will need your approval to become followers again.

Twitter also tested a new prompt on iOS and Android warned before the user jumped into the conversation that could be heated. In one example, there is a prompt dropped directly into an ongoing conversation that says, “conversations like this can be intense”.

Prompt is the latest company effort to reduce persistent abuse and abuse on the platform.

Instagram also recently introduced a similar tool called the limit, which allows users to temporarily limit unwanted interactions.

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